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Latihan Soal Noun Clause Quiz

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dari beberapa pertanyaan di bawah ini! Skor akan muncul, setelah kalian menyelesaikan kuis!

1. Which of the following sentences contains a noun clause?

  • A) She is the best dancer in the group.
  • B) I don’t know what she is talking about.
  • C) They will meet us at the park.
  • D) The dog barked loudly.

2. Identify the noun clause in the following sentence: "I believe that she will win the competition."

  • A) I believe
  • B) that she will win the competition
  • C) the competition
  • D) she will win

3. Which of the following sentences does NOT contain a noun clause?

  • A) Whoever finishes first will get a prize.
  • B) She asked if I could help her.
  • C) I will go to the store tomorrow.
  • D) I wonder why he left early.

4. In the sentence "I can’t understand why she left so suddenly," what is the function of the noun clause?

  • A) Subject
  • B) Object
  • C) Complement
  • D) Adverbial

5. Choose the correct noun clause to complete the sentence: "Do you know __________?"

  • A) who she is
  • B) what she did
  • C) where they are going
  • D) All of the above

6. Which of the following is a correct definition of a noun clause?"

  • A) A clause that describes a noun
  • B) A clause that acts as a noun in a sentence
  • C) A clause that modifies a verb
  • D) A clause that joins two independent clauses

7. Identify the noun clause in the following sentence: "The teacher explained how the experiment worked.

  • A) how the experiment worked
  • B) The teacher explained
  • C) the experiment worked
  • D) The teacher

8. Which sentence contains a noun clause acting as a subject?

  • A) He asked if I was coming.
  • B) I don’t know what to say.
  • C) She told me that she was moving.
  • D) Whether we will go depends on the weather.

9. In the sentence "He finally discovered where she had hidden the keys," what is the noun clause?

  • A) He finally discovered
  • B) where she had hidden the keys
  • C) the keys
  • D) she had hidden

10. Which of the following sentences has a noun clause acting as a complement?

  • A) What she said was surprising
  • B) She realized that she had forgotten her keys.
  • C) The idea that he proposed was brilliant.
  • D) They didn’t know why he was absent.

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