Past Continuous Tense - Pengertian, Rumus, dan Soal Latihan
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Past Continuous Tense - Pengertian, Rumus, dan Soal Latihan |
Dikesempatan ini, kami dari akan membahas materi yang masih berkaitan dengan tenses. Mengingat pentingnya tenses yang menjadi pondasi awal bagi kalian ingin belajar bahasa Inggris. So, harus dituntaskan yah materi ini.
Can you guest what’s that?
It’s Past Continuous Tense.
Yup, artikel ini akan membahas pengertian Past Continuous, rumus, penggunaan dan lengkap dengan latihan soalnya yah. Let’s check materinya yah guys.
Pengertian Past Continuous
Past Continuous Tense adalah bentuk tenses yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu aktivitas yang tengah atau sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau (past). Nama lain dari tenses ini adalah Past Progressive Tense.
Sama halnya dengan tenses yang lain nih, past continuous / progressive ini juga memiliki rumus atau pola yang harus kalian jadikan acuan dalam membuat kalimat past continuous tense.
Rumus Past Continuous
Bagaimana sih rumusnya? Yuk kita pelajari di bawah:
a. Kalimat Positif (+)
(+) S + to be (was, were) + verb (-ing) + object.
e.g = They were playing volley ball beside the office.
b. Kalimat Negatif (-)
(-) S + to be (was, were) + not + verb (-ing) + object.
e.g = They were not playing volley ball beside the office.
c. Kalimat Tanya (?)
(?) To be (was, were) + S + verb (-ing) + object?
e.g = Were they playing volley ball beside the office?
→ Yes, they were.
→ No, they weren’t.
Subject : I, You, We, They, She, He, It
To be:
- was = digunakan untuk subject I, She, He, It
- were = digunakan untuk subject You, We, They
Baca juga: Present Continuous Tense - Pengertian, Rumus, dan Soal Latihan
Contoh Kalimat Past Continuous
1. Kami sedang mempersiapkan presentasi ini dua hari yang lalu.
(+) We were preparing this presentation two days ago.
(-) We were not preparing this presentation two days ago.
(?) Were we preparing this presentation two days ago?
2. Gajah itu sedang berlari menuju ke hutan.
(+) The elephant was running to the forest.
(-) The elephant was not running to the forest.
(?) Was the elephant running to the forest?
3. Para tamu sedang mengantri di depan gerbang.
(+) The guests were queuing in front of the gate.
(-) The guests weren’t queuing in front of the gate.
(?) Were the guests queuing in front of the gate?
4. Apa yang sedang kamu cari kemarin?
= What were you looking for yesterday?
Keterangan Waktu (Time Signal) Past Continuous
Untuk menunjukkan spesifik waktu terjadinya kegiatan dari past continuous, maka kalian bisa menggunakan time signal di bawah yah:
- All day yesterday : sepanjang hari kemarin
- The whole day yesterday : sepanjang hari kemarin
- One day ago : kemarin
- Two weeks ago : dua minggu yang lalu
- At 9 a.m. yesterday : jam 9 pagi kemarin
- At 7 p.m. last week : jam 7 malam minggu yang lalu
- At this time yesterday : pada saat seperti ini kemarin
- At the same time yesterday : pada saat yang sama kemarin
Baca juga: Pengertian dan Rumus Simple Past Tense: Dilengkapi dengan Soal Latihan
Penggunaan Past Continuous
1. Untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang sedang berlangsung di masa lampau.
- He was waiting for you an hour ago.
- What were you doing at 10 p.m. yesterday?
- My parents were not walking to the office.
2. Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan ketika kegiatan lain terjadi di masa lampau.
- They were listening to the music when he cleaned the car.
- When the light turned off, we were watching TV show.
- My mother called me while I was teaching.
3. Untuk menyatakan dua kegiatan atau lebih yang terjadi secara bersamaan di masa lampau.
- She was planting the flower while her son was feeding the cow.
- While he was fishing, his friend was painting the view.
- Two days ago, we were practicing a traditional dance while they were doing the homework.
Berdasarkan contoh kalimat dari penggunaan Past Continuous di atas, khususnya poin 2 dan 3, menggunakan kata while dan when. Apa sih perbedaan diantara keduanya dan bagimana penggunaannya?
Ok, kami jelaskan yah.
- Kata while (sementara) menunjukkan kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung, umumnya diikuti kalimat past continuous tense.
- Sedangkan When (ketika) digunakan untuk kegiatan yang terjadi pada waktu tertentu (spesifik). Jadi, kata When diikuti oleh kalimat simple past tense.
1. The researcher observed the students while the teacher was explaining the topic.2. I was lying on my bed when she knocked the door.
Baca juga: Belajar Simple Present (Pengertian, Rumus dan Contoh) dalam Bahasa Inggris
Soal Latihan Past Continuous
- We ____________ (walk) down by the river when it _________ (start) to rain.
- When Mike and Jacob __________ (play) hide-and-seek, the dog __________ (bark) beside the house.
- He _________ (break) his foot while he ___________ (play) football on Saturday.
- While they __________ (perform) on the stage, the girl who sat beside me __________ (shout) out loud.
- My parents _________ (go) to several concerts while they __________ (stay) in London.
- She _____________ (talk) to Arya on the phone when I _________ (walk) in.
- The storm ____________ (start) while we __________ (drive) back from the city.
- I __________ (meet) them in the street while I _____________ (shop).
- I __________ (cut) my finger while I ______________ (chop) vegetables.
- The grandpa __________ (drink) a cup of coffee when the postman __________ (come).
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